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Header holistic arts and healing service

Love grows the engine & Sustains it. 


" It's down to earth and it's honest, because the 'The Humility Card' is needed. Sacred Living involves simplicity - a supportive climate exists thankfully. "



Sapphire's Light acknowledges a distinct part of our Services - Encouraging Personal Spirituality, Holistic fulfillment through creative connections in lifestyle & also Increasing Emotional Wealth. While 2021/2 Content and Services are no longer visible, till further notice. Our 2022 podcast for Energy Services for Sapphire's Light is currently being developed for pre-service Duty of care and Respectful Dialogue Communication for Positive Energetic Health. As we revitalise our Studio, there will be more information about new directions and what we have to offer.

Continue reading as 2022 has brought about new content, here and on the Naturally Exuberant tab.


The Energy Bowls Article & Activity on 'Emotional Prosperity & Transformative Change' is on the Good Vibrations Blog  ( Naturally Exuberant Tab ). The title of the Article is: 'Manifesting with Sun & Moon Energy'. I've left it up as so many people have been reporting that it has been a supportive article for motivation and building positive reinforcement energy towards Change, post 2019.

You may like to Scroll to read more about upcoming publications and energy considerations with the below Holistic Connection articles leading into the coming period.

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Thresholds & Passageways I: Energy First Aid

What you will learn about in Energy First Aid: 

⦁    Easy to follow Lifestyle approaches.
⦁    Integration techniques that acknowledge Buddhist Mindfulness approaches & Metaphysical techniques.
⦁    Cross-sectional, Faith awareness.
⦁    Mind Body Exercises.
⦁    The Language of Spaces.
⦁    Anxiety – ease Tools that you can apply.
⦁    Overviews of the Psychic Senses and Basic Field Appreciations for Beginners Understanding. 


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In Thresholds & Passageways I: Energy First Aid, I acknowledge several references to energetic cleansing from Jewish door ( mezuzah ) to holistic living devices and gestures in prayer from various traditions. There are a range of personal preferences and we all have ranging botanicals, celebrated herbal consciousness, devices and integrated “honourings” of various kinds in our homes, perhaps work-spaces, even cars. 

Thresholds & Passageways II: Emotional Prosperity & Soul-aspect Healing


is currently in production. The resource encourages Strengthening exercises and contemplation.

The supports and Topic connections utilise art therapeutics, energy-response and journeying as a Soul Art process.  

What you will learn about in Thresholds & Passageways II:

⦁  Introductions to Healing Consciousness - The Throat & Heart understand the womb-mother knowing

⦁  The Importance of Grasshoppers & Trajectory wellbeing; Psychic Fitness

⦁  Intrinsic Colour Retrieval - passive and active self recognitions

⦁  Emotional Prosperity & Transformative Go-tos & a kiss

⦁  Retrospective Analysis & Individual Growth

⦁  Revisiting how you value development

⦁  More on Meditation and Empathy for soul-aspect healing.


Erin Kathleen Muir has been sharing her writing as part of online territory and Good Vibrations (since Sienna Art Space's inception in 2014).

Our in-studio magazines 'Naturally Exuberant' reflect great content and personal insight connections to topics in Creative Arts, wellbeing, and Integrated holistic living,


2019 Casual Chats at the Sun House & Wave Studio throughout 'Celebrating the Sacred Self'. Video Content is a delight when it's available, and has been taken down due to the forced Covid closures to educational services while mainstream schooling continued. Appreciating the In Person relationship of all people is what life is about. Proud to be a Specialised Educational Service.

There are several significant areas for the Energetic Person to find re-established verse & empowerment.

The areas are:
* Psychic Fitness
* Mental Stamina
* Physical Strength & Activity
* Daily Release Awareness

Honouring the Day is a Custom whereby we show Respect for 'Vital Energies'. 

A Vital Energy is not just the substances of the land that give us sustenance. By extension we have water, and air. By further extension, we are part of a 'shared, greater existence' ( nature's ebullience); orbital functioning with recognition to survival and essence-reality.

    What do you do to Honour the Day?

Remember, to Thank the Ancestors, give honest appreciation for all respects to Positive Contribution: that which restores, enlivens, charges growth, gives nutrients and offers safety and protection. Praise we give to Trees and Earth Embodiment as an extension of all kaleidoscope (Sun, Moon, Inter-planatory allignments). We forget no equally-vital components including stars, and phase in social-engineering. We aren't isolated, we are energetically mandalic in cognition and ebullience. 

Smudging Cedar or white sage, and thankfully, a Way of Many - are all warranted positive connections to Honouring the Ancestors, local indigenous history (wherever you are), Guardianship Spirits and Vital Energies of Larger existence. 

   The Accordian, Phasing & Self Recognition

A part of the pandemic period, has focused on Hygienic Cleansing and Refocus, with Communication bequesting and requiring urgent Reframe. Thread to weave consolation, and release to conceive 'purity'. I've listed Balancing as a strong revitalisation for the Four Areas as they pertain to the Self as Fitness becomes a strength to all Healthy, Vital Shared Commons.  

What is Purity? It's actually a reframing of Truth to all that Exists in Authentic Climatisation and to all that serves well and isn't toxic. As spiritual, energetic people - the metaphor of both the 'Accordian' and 'Phase of the Eclipse' examined individually supports personal awareness in Protection, Empowerment and Belonging in one's own Verse. 

I place a 'droplet of Currency' of the Camphor Oil next to a droplet of Water. And then I just want to recognise over 3800 Lanterns, as vital energies. Integrity State Consciousness is a recognition of various formations in 'purging' conversation. Looking at the Subtle Body and release of spiritual debris is a very important part of Increasing Personal Health and Interactive Energy spaces for Positive Living, social harmonisation and wealth in living, learning and celebratory every-day activities. Every person exists for a reason, no different to vital living energies, of all kinds. Cleansing & honouring 'activate' new sequences to Prosperity and long lines, in orbit.

" The Spirituality of Leaning against trees is not ironic."

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What is Energetic Cleansing?

It is Vibrational cleansing as 'action', aided by positive belief set and / or prayer / gratitude. It can include but not always the conditions of ceremony and / or a substance through smudging, washing, anointment, massage. Cleansing is culturally diverse, with tradition. 

We appreciate that different views are with different families, communities and faith / not-exclusive to faith. We recognise respect is with traditional use in cleansing also. 

In this world, we are very blessed to be in ongoing learning that appreciates Divine relationships and Religious cleansing as well as Holistic disciplines that acknowledge ancient sources ( their traditions ) and developing nature appreciations. We benefit from the Whole, hence Holistic awareness territory ongoing. Culture continues to be a virtue of 'shared' and 'sacred' encounter, with emergent changes to our Psychically aware society and civilisation-response to advances & evolution. 

Why Energetic Cleansing for Psychic People?

Cleansing supports the Mind, Body and Spirit body of a Person and Animal. The practice recognises we need to protect our energetic field and soul from negative sources in spirit.

The Following Botanical Products & Substances are Lifestyle Integrations of the Space. With extension, a few have been added as Holistic connections that support Preventative Care and are found to be 'valuable psychic cleansing supports' at the daily level. 

Sandalwood Oil Soap  ( My Sore Sandal Soap )
Patchouli Hand Wash  ( Handwash & Body Wash - Bergamot & Patchouli, Patchouli soap)
Lavender & Salt Bath Mix ( Fresh Lavender, Epsom salts, lavender oil, almond oil)
Sandalwood Oil Annointment & Massage Oil 
Fresh Rosemary Herbal Socks
White Sage Smudging

All of the above are 'soft current' regulators, with the extringent nature of Patchouli being a strong foundation for clearing in supporting the energy body.

Valuable Personal explorations that go beyond Space use are topical digest ( 'Topical' here meaning to discuss): Benzoin resin (Gugal Crush), GoKula as an every-day incense that has benzoin in it, and of course Uncaria tomentosa (Cat Claw Bark) that 'responds' to that which grows a latch, instigates torment and 'cackles about it'. While taboo clearance and topical digest resentment by some, Thank you so much to those who see these products as vital relationship to conscious living. It recognises the loving availability for those who are psychically voyaging, experience "sticky spirits" and are fending for themselves in an energetic world. It can be an unfortunate battlefield. 

Erin talks about relationships to deeper clearing and cleansing for Psychics, including the value of Catnip deflection & pooja. She writes about respectful prayer with Hawan Samagri in her digest, 'Energy First Aid'. In extension, 'Thresholds & Passageways II' goes into detail about how the soul-wave may be rejuvenated by diverse holistic connections, exercises and holistic care appreciations. 


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Holistic Connections - Working with

'Energisers' & 'Neutralisers', further

What is Crystal Healing?

Minerals are vibrational energies that can be used as an aid and 'complimentary tool' with vibrational healing, energetic protection and spiritual cleansing. The Crystal itself is an earth-giving extract that comes from a significant place and energetic location, with specific terrain vibration.  Where the Crystal comes from, invites a story of energy and history built up overtime, including interactions. Culturally, our collective society has connected to various specimens and land interfaces over time, leading to built-up depository work in honouring and divination.


How can Crystals benefit our world?

Crystals are small-option supports that you can take with you or integrations in jewellery and wearable items. They have varying qualities and with benefit to Mind, Body and Subtle Energy. When looking at the whole field for humans, animals, plants, as well as environments ( home, office, school, bed ) - Crystals can be introduced, blessed and used with intention ( assigned purpose ) to relax emotions, lift vibration and mood, protect-guard and deflect, as well as a connective aid for releasing emotion or for motivation and strengthening. Grounding stones are also seen as a contribute to preventative psychic care and for protective strength.


The following select list of Crystals are Supportive Minerals for Various Purposes:


Crystals here reflect a non-definitive list and we encourage working with one or two tumbles every 4-6 months to appreciate the benefits in your personal climate.


Subtle body ( Emotional ) Supports - 'Soft Comforting stones for Relaxation & Tranquility'

Mangano Calcite (pink), Honey Calcite, Blue Lace Agate

Protective Stones - 'That which guards, strengthens and need not be aggressive'

Jet, Tiger's Eye, Labradorite

Grounding Stones - 'Talisman aware history, tree guardians and Cardio-Friends'

Lapiz Lazuli, Fossilised Wood, Hamaetite

Raising Vibration - 'Lifts lowered vibration to avoid low vibration'

Clear Quartz & Selenite

Creative Invigorators - 'Raise vibration for creative pursuits and manifestation'

Ametrine & Citrine, as ‘double boosters’.

Soul Empathisers - 'Window opportunity to cry, release and ground expression'

Lemon Crysoprase & Sardonyx, in combination.


In 'Thresholds & Passageways II: Emotional Prosperity & Soul-aspect Healing', Erin writes about Crystal appreciations and how these can be integrated with intention and as supportive aids. It is important to build 'energisers' and be aware of methods of 'neutralisation' in our personal worlds for regulation, assertive conversation and soul amnesty. If you want to learn more about these concepts , applications and Erin's personal insight, read the book.


You may recall Erin's casual chats from the 2019 SunHouse & Wave Studio about "conferencing-behaviourship" and crystal differentiation based on 'energy reading' and the 7 black-coloured stones, amongst other quotient-subtleties found through interacting with quartz, kyanite and carnelian amongst other readily-available stones. Deep personal appreciation comes with moving through relationships of discovery slowly and with purpose - that is why 4-6 months is a nice window to develop practice with specific stones and in combination.   

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Thank you to the Land, the guardians,

the elementals & proud earth.

Thank you for the Sandalwood, the patchouli, bergamot,

black seed, resins and sap.

Thank you for the coriander, the citrus, papiya,

the bananas and blueberries.

Thank you for the herbs and spices, the sage, coconut,

the hawan samagri, lavender and rosemary.

Thank you for the grains, cardamom, the goats milk,

the ghee butter from the cow.

Thank you to the Land, the animals and

all that is beautiful in nature. 

Thank you for the fresh water, thank you for the air,

thank you for the abilities of light transformation. 

Thank you for the protective gold, thank you

for the clear quartz, jade, calcite and labradorite.

Thanks be to the earth, it's colours and shapes,

aromas, nature soundscapes and fragrances.

Thanks be to God, praise be to Spirit, thanks be

to the Guardians of all elements who support the balance.


And thank God for Coffee.


Life is filled with mantras. 

'Teal Alchemy' 

A simple acknowledgment worth mentioning

Drawing and painting archways as connections have been an authentic relationship since 2016 in studio with discussions of the Art of Giving Art & also Cultivate Programs – Discussion of ‘soul vibration’ is with the energy of global, cultural currents established with and in appreciation of multiple faiths, countries of origin & cultural groupings. The children’s book “The Love Umbrella” by Davina Bell was acknowledged in 2016 as one component to cherished referencing, in response to Harmony Day & discrete, separate blessings in foundation & fruition.

As an Australian person in positive-faith willing, I like to think that there is an higher-heart consciousness, with respect to solar-bar energy that ‘zooms out’ of the globe to connect Teal Green Connection (such is the felt positive available culture of Teal, Cyan and Aquamarine).

As with all appreciation of Radial Lights as Star symbolism, we regret not to journey in numbers, alignments & perspectives. It is a loving feature of purist honouring to develop continuously the recognition of positive perspectives, dialects and archetypal belongings (their stories & identities). With reflection we consider those early articles on the archway such as the mihrab (connective alignments to soul) as one example, the traditional moongate, and other interpreted & collective praised, appreciated rainbow. We share union in recognizing and connecting creative awareness, experiencing hearts, flames, lanterns and stars in the energy.

' The Garnet in the breastplate, may replace the Hamaetite if you feel you are too much in your bloods. Relationships are a journey.'


Sienna Art Space is a studio and holistic arts connection that believes in positive connections with an appreciation for diverse faiths, cultures. Erin personally abhors any cultured formation work where there is meddling with energy, remote interferences and Energy Bullies that seek to control, hurt or gain socially advantage through their 'practices'. We recognise an Energy Anti-Bullying Policy is an foundation to Respect & Human Love. We also see it as a simple human need to maintaining what is Enchanting about our beautiful, natural world, shared. It is so easy to be Kind.


Everybody deserves to feel good in their body, in their private mind, heart and as energy temple, always. May all be blessed with 100% soul integrity and Energy Good Health & in Happy, healthy relationship to Kind shared relationships - whether that be in friendships, family, faith or community. In a post-covid-19 world, be aware everybody deserves opportunity. They deserve to be recognised in their individual authenticity and to have health-prosperity & 'a feeling of joy'.  Don't steal from the world 'all the beautiful colour and vibrancy'.

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Our Annual Devotional Calendar - Upcoming Special Days, 2023

January Sound Bath - Welcoming 2023

1st Jan - 28 Jan

Instrumental and Drumming Energisers - 

'Woah, sometimes.. I get a good feeling [yeah]'


'Words make the World Lighter' Month' -

7th Jan - 7th Feb.


Love & Light Strategies using Word Vibrations, Kirtan, Mantra, Visual Presentation techniques & Affirmation Cards.

Educational Breeze Resource available here in January.

'10 Days Celebrating the Sacred Self' - 11th March - 20th March. 


Celebrating the 'Sacred Human Conversation' in what it means to be humbly psychic with connection naturally & with proud, healthy topics in the light of human-good. Est. 2020.

Educational Breeze Resource available here in February.

Join Erin for our discussion of 'orange consciousness' and the energy behind our Celestial Blue Workshops that extends on our cultural program from past years.


Erin will discuss 'Primordial Orange & the Ultramarine, her Big Book Oracle as part of Harmony Day 21st March.

You can read more about the Art of Giving Art & Cultivate as part of our popular Studio Classes. 

'Vibrational Energy Awareness Day' -

26th March.


Community embracing Vibrational essences in our World. 

Educational Breeze Resource available here in March.

'Care to Dance' Street Theatre

22-23 April, Various Dates & Locations

Intersections of Romany Polka, Sunny Folk Lovin' & Gypsy dance. Cue. It's Kindred.

'Recite Beautiful Appreciations' Month -

5th April - 4th May.


Celebrating Devotional Prose daily, including Poems, excerpts and devotional prayer from Loving Connections, Mystics & Writers, Rumi, Gibran, Osho, Lao Tsu, Australian writers.

'Icons & Idols Appreciations' Month -

5th May - 4th June.


Selections of Images and sculptures are looked at as a part of appreciating Saints, significant figures, bodhisatvas, murti & divine connections over time.

'Lanterns, lights & Stars Appreciations' - 12th July - 15th Dec.


We journey through a series of exquisite and devotional connections to Light, honouring Culture, Sun, Moon, Earth, Cosmic Energy. 

Lanterns continue to be part of our Studio journey. 

'Spiritual Tales Readings' - 28th July - 9th August.


Erin's Story Book Readings

'Usher in Colour - Evocations Month' - 1st - 31st August


From Pigment Consciousness to Vibrational Consciousness, we experience the many appreciations of our Colourful World, overtime. The Artist recognises the Schminke 'shmick' and the Lineage Visceral. 

Keep an eye out for Erin's "Colour Exuberance" publication and affirmations 'on site' into the future at the Studio when we return. As with all energy in Oracle, affirmations and current focuses for Holistic resources, the writings and also illustrations are self-produced. 

Sunrise & Sunset Connections -

Various Dates 2023

Elemental Dance and Creative Art exercises throughout the Rhythmic Period

Drum, Dance & Bowerbird Picnic

Late December 2023

Spirited drum in the park to connect to New Refreshments for the New Year.

Sunny Folk Lovin' Salutations.

The Bowerbird understands celestial blue and Empathic threads. See you in 2023.

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From  the 'Dates & Spices Kitchen & the Thirsty Rose', we enjoy seasonal timely connections to Bread Making, First Week of Winter Hot Choccies under the Moon, Energy Ginger Breadmen-women & Education Threads,.. and who doesn't love BBQ tapas: chessies, our corn with the kids and 'pumpkin soup' enrichment day for the Gals. We Feast and we delight with chat, seasonal activities and awareness. 

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' Recognising what is meaningful is very simple once you realise you're already accepted;

you already belong. '



There are ranging language terms and appreciations in Healing

Meaning ( or Philosophical concerns ) help us to understand why we conceive of the


Language communicates the 'common agreements' around what underpins what is

involved and helps us to discern the various differences in modality.

Values are inherent. Differentiation is thus significantly important, and a good thing. 

Before Meeting Points (any in person-booked service), we need to appreciate a few terms

so that Philosophy-driven practice is clear to all involved.


What is Clinical Art Therapy?

"Client-supportive, clinical psychology" recognises Art as a modality to vehicle-led territory in Talk and as Expressive-support engagement - The Therapist works towards a multiple-session achievement of change whereby a client may become increased in resilience through their healing scenario. 

Psychological focuses in sessional design are formatted 'for' the client, with an 'identifying lens' driven by the Art Therapist. Exercises and activities help to alleviate burdens in a supportive format. Art Therapy includes Psychotherapy but is not restricted to it. 

What is Art-as-Therapy?

By contrast to 'diagnostic practice' and thoughtspace, "Art-as-therapy" is a way of seeing and attributing clientele-led approaches to art. A Facilitator as 'conscious designer' may also give the opportunity to "growth, birth, to explore and situational recognition to art processing as a healing support or go-to recreation in serious modal-promise". 

Art-as-therapy is applied cognition in expressive modality in other ways, to encapsulate creative and physical-disciplines. The focus is 'emotional' & 'sensory release circumstance with positive action'. 
It may connect to a range of scenarios in action - respite, leisure, structured art activity" [ of some kind ] and with outcome-rich circumstance to "healing shift". 

What is Counselling?

A Clinical recognition in professional counselling sees the significance of entry-level

scenarios and multiple-sessions of 'talk-exploration' as a means to resolving challenges,

conflicts and also to empower clients to "self determine" with positive aims & outcomes. 

The client is supported with guided focuses and the Counsellor's role is to listen. The

client may recognise:  "I feel I have expressed myself and I feel better"  ( a core foundation).

What is Holistic Counselling?

Conscious people and people of ranging beliefs attend Holistic Counsellors for the same ( or

similar reasons ) that they do a Counsellor. Holistic Counsellors are trained in introductory

recognitions to Energy appreciation and have a repetoire of skills, explorations and strategies

that they can connect you to that may assist you to (a) 'process healing' or (b) 'alleviate'

scenarios of anxiety, conflict, and energy challenges.

Some Holistic Counsellors have specialisations in other "energy supports" and health-related

professions, including physical therapy, and vibration healing. Some may even facilitate

recreational activity that encourages growth in some way in another Facilitator-based Role.

Sessions with Holistic Counsellors are usually focused on exploring talk situations of privacy

and trust, and make suggestions their respectful care. Some Holistic Counsellors have

developed appreciations of Spirit, culture and "recognise psychic experiences as a natural part

of an energetic world".

















Soul-based Art Therapy is a modality that unites and explores listening relationships in the healing process and acknowledges our human-discovery with our art-led focuses. The Soul, the Energy field and Spiritually - psychic / sensory terrain is as significant feature to it with Art being a healing and communication 'vehicle' for the Energy Practitioner and also the Client in generating.

A part of practice involves, in fact, all of the arts connections (sound, voice, word, objects, agency, movement and instrument) to engage therapeutic shift. 



Appreciation is not just Local

As in the 'imported' waters and distribution of cleansing

product, sometimes we are in simple recognitions

personally that we are "local environment honouring"

whilst simultaneously connecting to other spaces

[ home] [ places we have visited or travelled to ] [ or

where we have terrain-memory].

This documented installation is a simple honouring installation of sand created with directed support

from my Soul Guide and with post-respects reiterated in situ, for the Spirit connection made in person

at the beach in Wollongong. 


The account of the young was a signal after energetic drumming (natural ceremony) and in dance on the beach. The energy speaks through Spirit to acknowledge the land surrounded by water in the surf on my right, and the energy pull up the left of the coast. The Indigenous Spirit of women of the land acknowledge the relationship of not just presense, they present friendly appreciation for  the communication. The land wants to speak of perimeter coastal crocodile in other waters and the embodiment of turtle anchored in 'sand ceremonial drawing', with also the clairvoyant earlier recognitions of sandbank-navigators as spotted shark. The 'child' and the intricacy of sand-floor, land and water expansive is a foundation to the connection in latitude (inner western Australia) and circumference (northern territory). Two people who hear the land response of spirit drum, know the honouring in north Queensland and rural NSW, with immediacy. Therefore, in the installation, the directions of pouring and the circumference exist with an appreciation - the relationship of the energy of the sand is that it speaks the 'formation' and reinforces the cognition to basic spirit connection in land and spirit honouring. I am thankful.

Acknowledgment to Country and Spirit, with Indigenous respects for All can be done in many different ways. With permission always and adhering to the appreciation of Land Guardians and Indigenous Spirit - the question is always asked whether one can sing, make music ( and with certain instruments ), dance or make art. Prayer and acknowledgment quietly is always appreciated in social respect, and we exist in the awareness to recognise time of day has appropriate window in various locations. 

I appreciate that Spirit Communication is a necessary process for Respect, Safety and Protection. In awareness for the arts-in contribution, I ensure I am personally navigating those respects, without ignoring "traditional and evolving ideas" to community-cultural communion. Every day we are in a conversation with the Land, People and Spirit, it is not just about a plaque on the wall or a weekly meeting in a hall. Acknowledging the above is how we appraise the Energy in any moment of interaction and those 'communications' exist in various ways for the Individual. 


Listening to the Energy

Our personal worlds ( coinciding ) exist in energetic discovery and with that, we explore by natural lifestyle a series of encounters. Some of those may be termed 'holistic healing discoveries', and at other times we may be integrating features, patterns and "energy motifs" into our trust boundaries to circumstance that include personally-led and shared experiences in the arts.

One might see these as 'holistic arts' acquisitions (cultural) and the [always there] recognitions, to include art, music, dialogue sharing and dance within a community space. The relationships can have emphasis with a more focused pre-occupation on celebrations or healing. However, there is usually a strong foundation on Visual communication and engagement, with experiences shared by involved-audience, circle-in-activity or in the doing of their cross-weave atmosphere (creative alignment). 

In contrast, and within the Healing Arts arena, we may journey in what I recognise as 'Soul-based Art Therapy'.

It situates itself in Art Studio related activity but is not an art class, nor is it Clinical Art Therapy. It supports and is used in conjunction with other modalities ( healing space sessions ).

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